Heading off on holiday is usually a pretty exciting deal. The relaxation, the activities, the sun, the snow, the luxury spa hotel, the Eco Lodge in the jungle – whatever it may be, you look forward to it for weeks on end before. But the one thing we don’t usually look forward to on a holiday is the work. Could there be a crueler deal than working on your well-deserved break? Well, this new travel trend ensures just that.

The ‘co-working holiday’ is for travellers who don’t like to switch off while they’re away from the office (yes, apparently these people exist) – Wi-Fi is an essential part of the package and ‘holidaymakers’ all work in a shared space.

US company Hacker Paradise launched last year and offer digitally loaded packages for a specific period each year. Travellers can sign up for a week or up to three months, with a month costing between £400 and £1,000. What does it include? Breakfast, dinner, 3G SIM cards and office space with Wi-Fi. Doesn’t exactly sound like our idea of a relaxing holiday, but that’s just us. The co-working holiday packages are particularly popular with digitally savvy entrepreneurs, such as travel bloggers.

The holiday phenomenon comes after its antithetical trend – the ‘digital detox holiday’. New Year’s 2015 saw more people than ever pledging to the ‘unplugging’ resolution and the words ‘digital detox’ were all over our screens (oh, the irony).  Holiday companies caught on and switching off from technology dependency became part of the package. For example, you can book a ‘de-tech’ package at St Vincent and the Grenadines where you hand over your beloved electronics at reception.

We think the healthy balance lies where it always has – going on holiday to relax and unwind, but still being able to catch up on what Taylor’s been up to on Twitter.  Best to leave the bombardment of work e-mails to the office return, though.