The power of positive thinking
The next time you’re in a bad mood or you’re just feeling really really sad, start thinking of all your favourite things. Up there on our list? Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens of course. See you’re already smiling.

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The secret singing formula
We finally learnt all about the notes, you know, those ones you need to sing in total harmony. Thank god for Fräulein Maria’s very easy method for remembering. Altogether now: ‘Doe, a dear, a female dear…’

The way to end a party
The only way to say goodbye to guests at a party? With a song and a dance and the parting words ‘adieu, adieu, adieu’ of course (extra points for teaching us some German too). We personally resonated with the line ‘I’m glad to go, I cannot tell a lie.’ That’s how we usually feel at the end of a big night too.

Take your sweet time
As we learn in Sixteen going on Seventeen it’s always best to wait a year or two for marriage. Don’t marry when you’re a teenager and don’t marry someone you’ve just met. The best relationship advice right there.

No one is perfect
When the nun’s start to sing about Maria they’re quick to point out all her faults, from her messy appearance to her lack of commitment to the abbey. While two plucky nuns jump to her defence, showing she’s one of a kind. Yes, you might always be late to everything, but when you can hold a moonbeam in your hand and make people laugh, well you’re golden.

Never give up
When they tell us to ‘climb every mountain’ they’re teaching us that we should never ever give up on our dreams: ‘A dream that will need all the love you can give.’ That’s the one we want.

Karma does exist
Maria credits finding love with Captain Von Trapp with her well-behaved childhood. Be nice to people, and people will be nice to you. Simple.