Baobab. One of those things we've been hearing an awful lot about in recent weeks, all the while nodding and silently wondering 'what on earth is this thing?' In case that's been the case for you, too, we did some digging to get to grips with the tropical new power player everyone's in a tizzy about. 

First things first, it's pronounced 'bey-oh-bab.' Secondly, it's the fruit of the West African-growing baobab tree, and has been used for its health-boosting wonder powers for centuries in that part of the world. 

And what specifically are said health-boosting wonder powers? Six times the antioxidants of blueberries, six times the vitamin C in an orange, double the calcium of milk and more magnesium than coconut water. Super indeed. 

Not to mention ethically sound. Aduna, an African-inspired health and beauty brand and social business, is launching their #MakeBaobab famous campaign. The idea? To get people buying the superfood – an export which could transform the lives of millions in rural Africa. They're gearing up right now to pitch to receive funding from Virgin's Richard Branson, in a competition with other start-ups. If you like the sound of what they do, vote for them here

So what to do with the stuff if you feel compelled to go and buy a tub? Here's a few ideas to get you started. 

1 | Smoothie maker? Add a couple of teaspoons into your morning whizz-up for a turbo charged blend of goodness. 

2 | Whisk into an olive oil and balsamic salad dressing, for a sharp lemon alternative. 

3 | Stir into a fruit and seed-laden bowl of porridge. 

4 | Add to a cream cheese and sugar mix, for an exotic cheesecake filling. 

5 | Muddle into pancake flour, for a discreet hit in your breakfast. 

Happy baobab-ing!